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Draft agenda
  What is the future of the Bulgarian capital market and what are the opportunities for alternative financing for the local companies
10:00 – 11:30 First discussion panel

The state and the capital market. New hope for the stock exchange in Bulgaria

What is the state’s vision and strategy for the local capital market? Is there really a need for such a strategy? Are there grounds for the high expectations for the privatisation through the stock exchange? Can it move the market and attract new investors? What will rebuild investor’ trust in it?
  Simeon Djankov, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance (invited)
Ognian Donev
, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Executive Director of Sopharma AD
Daniela Petkova
, Chief Executive Officer of PAC Doverie
Vasil Golemanski
, Chief Executive Officer of the Bulgarian Stock Exchange
Ilian Skarlatov
, Chief Executive Officer of KBC Securities Bulgaria
Dimana Rankova
, Vice-Chairman of the FSC Governor "Supervision of Investment Activities"
  Moderator: Kamen Kolchev, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of ELANA Financial Holding
11:30 – 12:00 Coffee break
12:00 – 13:00 Second discussion panel

Bulgarian companies and foreign investors

Are the dual listings a solution to raising equity?What are the general steps to list on a foreign exchange and specifically in Warsaw? Are investors at the Polish capital market interested in Bulgarian equity?
  Beata Kacprzyk, Chief Specialist, Market Development, Warsaw Stock Exchange
Cezary Pyszkowski,
Director Corporate and Investment Banking UniCredit CAIB Poland
Zdravka Ugrinova
, Partner, Djingov, Gouginski, Kyutchukov & Velichkov
Ryszard Manteuffel
, Lawyer, Baker & McKenzie
  Moderator: Tatyana Puncheva, Editor, Capital
13:00 – 13:30 Annual Capital Award - "Capital 50: The Best Public Companies in Bulgaria"
13:30 Lunch