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08:30-9:00 Registration
9:00-9:30 Opening

  Panel B2C Panel B2B
  Panel 1.1 Macrotrends
Moderator: Dessislava Zheleva, Consumer & Retail Sector Manager| Consumer Experiences
GfK Bulgaria
Panel 2.1 E-consumers
Moderator: Georgi Malchev, co-owner,
9:30-10.00 Winning with the Consumer in a brand new order
Mark Yeomans, Partner with Ernst & Young EMEIA
FMCG's - a click away
Georgi Mandichev, researcher at GfK Bulgaria
10:00-10:30 What can macroeconomic and demographic indicators tell us about consumer behaviour- and what do they leave out
Rudolf Bretschneider, consultant and shareholder in GfK Austria
The future of payment – the consumer will choose
Krassimira Raycheva, Senior Relationship Manager Visa Europe for Bulgaria
10:30-11:00 See the future! An overview about the main trends influencing consumer behaviour
Otilia Dornyei,Consumer Research Expert, GfK
Composing the digital marketing mix
Alexander Varov, NBD consultant for digital media and digital marketing
11:00-11:30 Mission possible through innovations and optimised spending
Hans Aage Joergensen, CEO of AHT Group
(Presentation of the general sponsor)
Transform your mobile into a mobile wallet - unique solutions for mobile retail and payments
Svetoslav Ivanov, Director of Sales, Cellum Bulgaria 
11:30-12:00 Coffee break and business meetings

  Panel B2C Panel B2C
  Panel 1.2 Consumers in Bulgaria
Moderator: Dessislava Zheleva, Consumer & Retail Sector Manager| Consumer Experiences
GfK Bulgaria
Panel 2.2 Through the prism of the business
Moderator: Julian Mihov, Senior Tax Manager, Ernst & Young, Bulgaria
12:00-12:30 GLOCAL Shopper’s Perspective: Global Understanding with Local Implementation
Martina Steinberger-Voracek, VP sales of detergents and cleaning products, Henkel CEE. Nadejda Dimitrova, retail marketing manager Henkel Bulgaria
Private Label Trends in Europe
Jean-Jacques Dupas, president of the Axial Pacific
12:30-13:00 What do the Bulgarians do with their disposable income (Working title)
Kiril Bachvarov, head of Service and customer satisfaction, UniCredit Bulbank
Successfully navigating brands to survive and thrive during the recession
Gordon Cesareo, creative director, Design Board
13:00-13:30 The FMCG sector in the Bulgarian conventional & social media
Martin Miliev, Project Manager, Perceptica Media Research
Consumption and management in a crisis
Vasil Mirchev, chairperson of the Board of directors of "VM Finance Group"
13:30-14:30 Lunch
  Panel 1.3 At the point of sale
Moderator: Denitsa Pinteva, Marketing Manager Market Development Bulgaria, Ficosota Syntez Ltd.
Panel 2.3 Regulations
Moderator: Boris Smolyanov, Manager/Attorney-at-law, Ernst & Young Law Partnership
14:30-15:00 Where Consumers Buy - the path to purchase
Vaios Dimoragas, executive director of Nielsen Bulgaria
Buyer power – when and why would there be cause for competition concerns?
Hristina Dancheva, Charles River Associates, and Dessislava Fessenko, CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz
15:00-15:30 Shopping in the digital and post-digital worlds
John Ryan, Stores Editor, Retail Week
The case of the Competition Protection Commission "Retail Chains" - presentation and conclusions on the competition environment in the modern retail trade in Bulgaria
Darin Stankov - director "Antitrust and concentration" in the Competition Protection Commission
15:30-16:00 How a traffic program can affect the costumer experience in store
Todd Starcevich, CEO for the Europe and the Middle East, ShopperTrak
Questions and answers
16:00-16:30 Break
16:30-18:00 Announcing the results of the survey-rating "Biggest corporate donors among retail chains"
Kempinski Hotel Zografski

* Changes and additions are possible. After the agenda is finalized, the participants that had registered only for one panel will have the option to change their choise if they want

People registered for business meetings

Началник УправлениеАлианц Банк

Регионален МениджърФАМИЛЕКС ООД

Retailer Services Group Account ManagerЕй Си Нилсън България ЕООД

CEO KATECH Dr.Kalev technology,Bulgaria

Retail In Detail 2011  

Производители в действие През 2011 г., в шестата поредна конференция Retail in Detail, погледнaхме на бизнеса с бързооборотни стоки в България предимно през призмата на производителите.

Retail In Detail 2010  

Верижна реакция Темата на петата конференция Retail in Detail бяха търговските вериги и верижната реакция в бизнеса с бързооборотни стоки, отключена от тяхната експанзия.

Retail In Detail 2009  

Няма други времена, в които икономическата действителност да се променя така хазартно бързо, както в криза. В такива моменти един бизнес може светкавично да загуби, но може и да спечели.Всичко това изисква точна информация, пренагласа на съзнанието и бързи реакции.

Retail In Detail 2008  

Потребителите (са) новите професионалисти
Изговориха се потоци от думи и се изписаха реки от мастило за бурните промени в търговията на дребно в България през последните години. Дали обаче казахме достатъчно за потребителите, при които успоредно протичаше не по-малко впечатляваща революция.

Retail In Detail 2007  

Ефективни промоции
Ролята на промоциите в битката за клиенти, капаните на ценовите промоции и прехода от директен към POS маркетинг, бяха фокуса на презентациите на международните лектори. Използвайки примери, Корнел Мюлер (Unilever), Маркус Юрман (GfK Austria) и проф. д-р Бернд Халиер...

Retail In Detail 2006  

Европейски предизвикателства за търговията в България
На конференцията присъстваха над 140 участника – производители и доставчици на хранителни и нехранителни продукти, консултанти и маркетолози, независими търговци и представители на търговски вериги, дистрибутори...

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