Third Annual Water Conference: Water as a Business Factor for the Industries

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More of Water
For third year in a row Capital is organizing a conference dedicated to the water industry and related businesses. 

The event has established itself as a traditional platform where professionals from Bulgaria and the region gather to discuss the latest trends in the sector.

This year we will analyze and discuss water as a service delivered to the business by the water supplying and engineering companies. We will show recent data and the point of view of three types of participants – industrial consumers of water, water supplying companies and specialized suppliers of water services and solutions. We will present the best water management practices, innovative services and business models.


The importance of water supply as a service for different industries
Water as a business risk and a key cost driver for the business
Key characteristics of water and sewerage services – quality, continuity, response time
Commercial relations between service providers and industry consumers
Innovative services and business models
Financing of water infrastructure
Closed-loop water management

When and where:
14 May 2014, Sofia Hotel Balkan (Sheraton)

Registration fee: 25.60 Euros VAT excl.

Deadline for registration: 12 May 2014