
Sofiyska voda/Veolia Sofiyska voda/Veolia

Veolia is a leader in providing water, energy and waste services. In Bulgaria Veolia operates in the water and energy fields through Sofiyska voda JSC and Veolia Energy Bulgaria. Sofiyska Voda JSC was estabslihsed by virtue of a 25-year concessionagreement (till 2025) for operations and maintenance of the WSS network in Sofia. The company provides water and wastewater services to a population of 1.4 M. on the territory of the Municipality of Sofia.
Sofiyska Voda JSC in fugures:
- Over 240 M .BGN investments made between 2009 – 2014
- Nearly 600000 customers
- Nearly 1.35 M. people served
- Nearly 6000 km serviced water and sewerage network
- Over 120 km new and replaced water mains (2010 – 2014)
- Over 30 km new and replaced sewers (2010 – 2014)
- 24/7 laboratory monitoring of the quality of water
- 1 WWTP, which treats about 400,000 m3 daily including mechanical and biological treatment and removal of nitrogen and phosphorus
- 4 water treatment plants

Hydrolia Hydrolia

HYDROLIA unites the vast experience of established experts from the water sector and combines their deep knowledge in order to support the processes of water services management. This includes analysis, design, construction, installation and maintenance of equipment, as well as application of specific technologies for long- term operations of the existing water assets.

The Black Sea Trade and Development Bank, Thessaloniki The Black Sea Trade and Development Bank, Thessaloniki

 BSTDB was established by Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Turkey, and Ukraine which are the 11 founding countries of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) as a financial pillar of BSEC. As of end 2014, BSTDB cumulative portfolio in its 11 member countries has reached 304 approved operations in the key sectors of infrastructure, energy, transport, manufacturing, telecommunications, financial sector and other important areas amounting to about EUR 3.5 billion.


  KPMG International is a global network of professional firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services. We operate in 155 countries and have 174,000 people working in member firms around the world. The independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG International"), a Swiss entity.

KPMG in Bulgaria was established in 1992 and is currently one of the leading professional services firms providing Audit, Tax & Legal and Advisory services in the Bulgarian market. Presently, it has over 300 dedicated professionals and three offices in Sofia, Varna and Burgas.

KPMG in Bulgaria also forms part of the firm’s network in Central and Eastern Europe and leads the provision of services within the Balkans cluster, comprising of the KPMG offices in Albania, Bulgaria, Kosovo and Macedonia.

KPMG has worked on a number of projects assigned by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works in relation to the water supply and sanitation (WSS) sector reform. The main areas include: financial modelling in relation to forecasting results from the activities and investment strategies of WSS operators; providing assistance to representatives of WSS associations and WSS operators with regard to the conclusion of contracts for the maintenance and use of the WSS systems and equipment as well as water supply and sewerage services; preparation of lists and protocols for the transfer of public WSS assets; assistance in relation to strengthening the administrative capacity of WSS associations; preparation of analyses and assessments identifying needs for training and resources for the structures engaged in the WSS sector reform.


  HOBAS is a world leader in the production of pipeline systems from Centrifugally Cast Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics, CC-GRP. The modern and innovative technology allows different areas of application: systems of high-pressure pipelines and water tanks for domestic and potable water needs; evacuation of sewerage and storm water; pipeline systems in industrial areas with high concentration of chemicals and abrasives substances; irrigation systems; overflow systems suitable for mixed type of sewerage; drainage systems of roads, tunnels and bridges; pipelines for Hydroelectric Power Plant – HPP; production of green energy, etc.
The wide range of HOBAS products and the classified technical support, consultations on the construction site, design applications and supervision during the construction process give complete solution in the area of drainage systems.
HOBAS products are installed in a series of methods in more than 100 countries worldwide such as open trench, over ground installation, jacking, relining and under water. The total length of the already laid HOBAS pipes exceed the circumference of Planet Earth at the Equator.