Retail in Detail 2010 Conference

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The theme of the 5-th Retail in Detail conference is Retail Chains and the Chain Reaction in the Fast-moving Consumer Goods Business, started by their expansion.

We selected this topic based on the trend with which we will remember 2010 for the sector – the fight for market share expansion among retail chains. To date, it has been directed at independent retailers, but in the future the strategies and competitive advantages of the retail chains will be of decisive importance.

The economic crisis is a major factor for the dynamics of processes in the sector. Avoiding a strong focus on negative trends, we will seek the factors determining growth and development.

The entrance of new European chains and formats, the expansion of the existing players into smaller formats and the stress on their Private Labels are changing market realities in Bulgaria. How and to what extent will they have an effect on the chains’ relationship with producers and consumers? And on distribution? These will be the topics covered in the main panel.

The Program "Practices", which we introduce this year for the first time, is dedicated to the state’s work as regulator of the relationships between producers and retailers, and as guarantor of standards-based quality. Also, the programme will deal with the characteristics of the parallel self-regulation that we are witnessing, taking the form of various unions and business initiatives.

Another topic will be the new and prospective methods, such as direct marketing, geomarketing, category management, and customer relations management, which are becoming more and more topical. These will be presented via practical case studies.

All in all, RiD 2010 will be a two-in-one conference with a main and an accompanying programme, trends and practices. An attractive package in the environment of dramatic change.

The event will be held on 28 October 2010 at Kempinski hotel, Sofia.

We are expecting you.

People registered for business meetings

Оперативен ДиректорПРОФИ Мърчандайзинг ООД

търговски директор вът. пазар"Захарни Изделия Варна" ООД

Ръководител отдел ПромишленЗахарни заводи АД

УправителПлюс България Търговия КД

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