RiD 2013: Which Way Now?

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What are the potential growth factors for trade and consumption in the fifth year of the economic downturn?

At this point, almost all opportunities for growth, which depend on the business, seem tested and often exhausted. Expenses were cut, organic growth in niches and developing markets was sought. Recipes were changed. All kinds of discounts and offers were made. All this was made in order to retain the customer. 

The retailers demanded higher discounts from the suppliers, while the suppliers demanded preferential conditions in the retail chains. The retailers and the suppliers entered a cold war. Recently, however, the situation brightened up - there are new joint projects, again in the name of the consumer, a surge in POS activities and internet sales. 

The approach to the consumer is ever more targeted, the offers - ever more personalised and the people - better professionals. 

But which way now? Is growth possible in the all too familiar model or we need something radically new? Which would be the promising models and what would the retail of tomorrow look like? What would the shop of the future look like? What would be the new tone of the dialogue between the retailers and the suppliers? 

In brief: "Which Way Now?" is the title of the conference Retail in Detail 2013, which is organised jointly by Regal magazine and GfK Bulgaria in October. 

The first seven years of the conference have passed. This is why now, in the eighth, we decided to put an emphasis on discussions. We are doing it in the hope that the dialogue in the sector has reached the stage when this can happen. 

We are looking forward to meeting you at Retail in Detail 2013 on 24th of October at Sofia Event Center, Paradise Mall!


People registered for business meetings

Junior Brand ManagerФикосота Синтез

управителМАЙНИНГ ООД


Партньор Бизнес РазвитиеСмаркетинг

Retail In Detail 2011  

Производители в действие През 2011 г., в шестата поредна конференция Retail in Detail, погледнaхме на бизнеса с бързооборотни стоки в България предимно през призмата на производителите.

Retail In Detail 2010  

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Няма други времена, в които икономическата действителност да се променя така хазартно бързо, както в криза. В такива моменти един бизнес може светкавично да загуби, но може и да спечели.Всичко това изисква точна информация, пренагласа на съзнанието и бързи реакции.

Retail In Detail 2008  

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Изговориха се потоци от думи и се изписаха реки от мастило за бурните промени в търговията на дребно в България през последните години. Дали обаче казахме достатъчно за потребителите, при които успоредно протичаше не по-малко впечатляваща революция.

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