The goal of the "Business Meeting" module is to facilitate the contacts among the participants in the Retail in Detail conferences. It has been available for three years and enjoys great interest.

What is it
This service offers you the opportunity to contact via e-mail other registered participants in the "Battle for the Consumer" and to set up a meeting during or after the event. Only those who have opted in for the module are available for business meetings.

Who can use it
In order to use the service, you must be a registered participant in the conference who opted in for the business meetings, by ticking the special box in the registration form.

How to send an invitation

In the conference site you can see the names, positions and companies of those who opted in for the business meetings. You click on the name of the person you wish to contact, enter your name and e-mail with which you registered for the conference, enter text and send the invitation.

The person you invited may or may not reply. Do not ask us if s/he got your e-mail and read it. Our mediation ends by sending your e-mail through the website. Then we quietly withdraw, because we respect your privacy.

When is the deadline
The module will be active for a month after the end of the conference.

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