


JOBS.BG is the most efficient career media and one of the most visited sites in Bulgaria. JOBS.BG is visited by over 1.1 million unique users per month (Google Analytics). That is 67% of the economically active population with Internet access. 1.6 million is the number of CV-s sent per month. JOBS.BG is partner for Bulgaria in The Network, the largest global network including leading career sites in more than 119 countries. JOBS.BG aims to create an optimal environment, enabling companies to find the most suitable candidates and candidates to realize their full potential. JOBS.BG is Business Superbrand for 2007-2008 and Consumer Superbrand for 2009-2010.

GENERAL SPONSOR: is a service that allows users to find, connect and keep in touch with:
- business contacts
- experts in their field of expertise or others
- former and current colleagues is a service of


GENERAL SPONSOR: is an edition for Business, Economics and Management. Human Capital , the leading media in the field of human capital, is part of informs for the global and Bulgarian economy trends, key business sectors, companies and people who are part of them. creates a unique editorial content - video interviews, articles, analysis, statistics and studies, created in collaboration with managers of Bulgarian and foreign companies, economic analysts and experts from different business sectors. is an edition of


VIVACOM is one of the largest telecommunication services providers and one of the biggest employers in Bulgaria. The company is a leader in offering innovative and complex solutions for telecommunication services – from fixed line and mobile plans to high-speed Internet, data transfer, and television services. The brand combines the idea of dynamic development, effective decisions, innovative thinking, honest relations and inspiring proposals. Every successful step of the company is based entirely on the professionalism and motivation of our team. The people are the most valuable asset of VIVACOM because the development of human potential leads to excellent business results and long-term motivation.

MAIN SPONSOR: ING Pension Insurance

ING Pension Insurance is a part of ING Group – a global financial institution with 160 years in retirement services, life insurance, banking and investments. ING Group has won the confidence of over 67 million clients all over the world.

ING Pension Insurance in Bulgaria serves its clients through three pension funds which it manages – Universal, Professional and Voluntary.

Pension insurance gives opportunity for financial independency and preservation of the living standard in the future. That is why ING takes exceptional care for its assets under management, investing in balanced risk instruments, which provides a possibility for a stable yield over time.

ING Pension Insurance helps currently to over 330 000 private and over 300 corporate clients plan successfully their financial future.

Head Office
Office building Bulgaria
49B, Bulgaria Boulevard
1404 Sofia
0800 11 464

ING – Let’s talk about your future!